Saturday, June 16, 2007

Taking it easy. . .

Uncle Eric read Alien Al, a new book that Auntie Kay brought Cupcakes, to Cupcakes. Everyone took it easy after lunch. Auntie Kay was leaving too soon. We had a picture taken with Auntie Kay before Mama took her to the airport.

Uhhh. . .Cupcakes is in my space.

Leon and Cupcakes met for the first time.

Mama's birthday lunch

Thank you all for celebrating Mama's birthday! She really appreciated your presence and presents! Yes, everyone at the party loved Cupcakes - thank you!

Cupcakes' pet Betty

Auntie Kay named Cupcakes' pet butterfly Betty. Cupcakes was still learning to use her hands. Ah-ha, Cupcakes tried to take off her socks before leaving for lunch. Mama read Cupcakes one of her favorite books, You're My Little Love Bug, from Grandma Carla before leaving the house. The book sings, lights up and holds a pictures of Cupcakes.

Did someone say sweet baby?

Mama can't help it! She thinks her baby is sweet. Thank you, Auntie Kay, for these special Mama loving baby pictures. And then there's the Mama's-putting-socks-on-me face. (Cupcakes had to get ready to go to Mama's birthday lunch!)

Cupcakes and her thumb

Cupcakes hung out with Auntie Kay Saturday morning.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Cupcakes at Mama's Friday night stamp party

Mama hosted a stamp party while Auntie Kay was in town. Aunties Elizabeth, Yvonne and Kim made the party possible. Auntie Kim Plank was the Stampin' Up demonstrator. (For a small fee your business can also be advertised on this blog - just like for Auntie Kim Plank here and Uncle James'
Studio 9 Photography earlier.) Cupcakes woke up to join the party for a little while before going back to bed. Auntie Kim gave her the bottle and tucked her in. Thank you, Auntie Kim!

Auntie Kay's first time on the water taxi

Before the stamp party Auntie Kay, Auntie Elizabeth and Mama took the water taxi home. Cupcakes and Daddy picked them up at the dock. Mama works in the big new glass building, WaMu Center.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Happy birthday, Mama!

Uncle Michael and Auntie Penny came over with pizza from Pegasus on Alki (highly recommended). Daddy got Mama an ice cream cake. Uncle Eric came over for the celebration. Aunties Yvonne and Kim didn't have class, so they came over, too!!

It was as if Cupcakes knew it was Mama's birthday.
She stayed up for the first time ever. Mama took some birthday pictures with her little one before she was tucked in.

Mama just wanted a picture taken with her pretending to take a big bite. Uncle Michael pushed Mama towards the cake once, so Mama's mouth actually touched the cake. Then see how Uncle Michael was in position to tip the cake towards Mama's mouth for the next picture.

Baby to baby

All the babies at church! Hello, Cousin Laura and Baby Eden! Two heads are better than one, so Cousin Laura and I put our heads together. Cousin Laura is Cousin Sarah's little sister.

Cupcakes stayed home with no pink eye.

To comply with the state law we either had to get Cupcakes antibiotics or a note saying that her eyes were not contagious for her to be able to return to daycare the next day. Even if she had antibiotics she had to stay out with it for 24 hours before she could go back to daycare. Mama brought work home for Thursday. Since the doctor from Wednesday had prescribed antibiotics for no pink eye, Cupcakes was not going back to daycare. Mama still tried. She brought Cupcakes up there. It did not help that Cupcakes rubbed her eye on the way there. Mama ended up staying home with Cupcakes. Mama did not complain as more quality time with baby the better. Cupcakes did not cry the whole day.

Mama did make an appointment with Dr. Spector to get a note about the eye(s). Dr. Spector was very upset that Mama took Cupcakes to see a chiropractor. Chiropractors have hurt his babies before. He was also not happy that Mama took Cupcakes to another doctor. Dr. Spector, who is very careful about prescribing antibiotics, prescribed antibiotics for Cupcakes' ear infection, taught Mama the way to spot pink eye and wrote a note for Cupcakes' to be able to return to daycare.

We picked up Chinese books that Auntie Boo brought back from Hong Kong for Cupcakes and visited Auntie Kim on the way home. While visiting with Aunties Boo and Kim, Cupcakes sat in Mama's lap, leaned against Mama and held one of Mama's fingers with each of her hand. We were both relaxed. It was the best feeling in the world - having a relaxed and content baby!

Cupcakes has her first ear infection.

Vikki called Mama at work on Wednesday to let her know that Cupcakes screamed all morning. Vikki suggested that Mama get Cupcakes checked out for an ear infection and also pink eye since pink eye has been going around at daycare. Mama was trying to take a short cut and took Cupcakes to the Swedish Children's Clinic on California at the end of the day. Our last visit to Dr Spector's office on First Hill took Mama three and half hour from the time she left work. The doctor diagnosed an ear infection but also pink eye. He diagnosed Cupcakes' pink eye from hearing that she had eye discharge over the last two days.
Mama took Cupcakes to Dr Graham downtown to get kick up her immune system and drain the lymph nodes. Dr. Graham gave Cupcakes loving before the adjustment that made her cry. The amount of care that our family has received from Dr. Graham has been incredible. Cupcakes cried for a while longer after the adjustment but slept really well for the rest of the evening.