Monday, February 11, 2008

Rachel Burger

Mama made Cupcakes blended sweet potato and filled up one section of the platefrom Auntie Kaorito the brim. (Thank you, Auntie Kaori, for the great gift. We used your it for the first time. The bottoms had rubber so that the plate and cup would not slide around. The rings around the utensils allowed them to be on the tables without touching the tabletop – ingenious!) Mama made her version of the Rachel Burger (with onion, olives, fennel seeds, grill seasoning and this time with ground turkey) for the third time. This time Mama made Cupcakes size patties for Cups. Cupcakes ate two. Does is seem like Cups liked her food?

Pen cap on

A while back Cupcakes learned to pull the pen cap off. Tonight after Mama guided the pen in Cupcakes hand about ten times, Cupcakes learned to put the cap on after giving it a few tries on her own. She did this all while standing on her own.

Cupcakes then wanted to draw on her hand. She didn't try after Mama showed her the pen marks that she already had on her hands.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Visiting ahgong and ahma

Cupcakes and Mama visited with ahgong and ahma for two days. We even visited with great grandma and the family in Vancouver.

Ahma got Cupcakes her own phone. (It's a story book with a button that makes ringing sounds.)