Weather was so gorgeous on Monday that Cupcakes took two walks - one in the afternoon in the stroller with Mama and one in the evening in the Baby Bjorn with Daddy and Mama. She frowned in the sun. Life of the Cupcakes can be so difficult at times. (Pollen count must be up. My eyes are very itchy after I come in from taking walks. Cupcakes cried because I wiped her face and hands with a cold towel after our walk today!) During the evening walk we saw sandpipers running along the edge of the water. They are so small and fast - the cutest things.
Thank you for your suggestions, advice and sharing of experiences about giving Cupcakes the bottle and getting her to bed!! We've been giving her the Avent bottle. We tried the Dr Brown bottle last night, and she stopped after 1 oz. With the bottle she has only taken an oz each time so far. After a little bit more research it seems that the flow rate of the bottle nipple on the Avent bottle might have been too fast for her with the dribbling and gagging. Today I got her some with a slower flow rate. I am hopeful that this will work out. With bedtime she continues to cry about nine or nine-thirty without a watch. Crying makes it tricky to put her to sleep because she then gets very gassy and needs to be burped. I've found that when she stops crying, I am able to nurse her. She calms down, and we are able to put her in her crib awake. At that point she's able to fall asleep on her own. For the rest of the night she's on the clock, waking up every three hours for nursing. Then everything goes back on track, haha. Perhaps we'll be able to synchronize one of her feedings with her bedtime.
I've really enjoyed your emails and comments. I'm glad that I can keep in touch with you via the blogs. :D
Love, compliments, good wishes and love continue to stream in. Cupcakes is one well loved baby. Thank you!!
I really do love, "Life of the Cupcakes"!! it makes me feel like i'm w/ her every step of the way. and she gets better looking w/ everyday, good thing she takes after her mom ;-)
can't wait to visit her again, she'll be too big to eat soon!! :-)
Again! Very cute pictures. I can't help but ask you if you are on the way for a baby boy. You mentioned something about cupcakes brother wearing pink socks..haha. Anyway, keep on blogging. I'm reading every detail. I feel like I know cupcakes pretty well while you share your thoughts and feelings about her. Take care my friend
I am really glad when I hear that people are enjoying the blogs!
Come visit again soon, Cristina!
There is no work being done on gofres (waffles in Spanish - covered in chocolate sauce and topped with a scoop of ice cream in Spain), but John feels strongly about having a second baby. (This time I am signing up for daycare two years in advance - not sure about timing of a future event but maybe now just to be safe.) We'll be naming him Michael or her Michelle after Uncle Michael.
Response from Daddy regarding Mama's comment:
I wouldn't say that I feel strongly about having a second kid. I think
we should either have zero or two kids, not one. You know what happens when you have an only child. . .
Since we have one now, we can't really have zero. That leaves only one alternative.
Plus, two kids fits into your plan -- to have an older sister to take
care of the younger kid. And that was what you said you wanted too.
If you want an only child, enjoy it. But ask every parent who has an only child what it is like. Not one I have ever talked to has said that their kid was easy to raise. Never.
Mama's response to that: How did I miss the part that we didn't have to have kids? Well, I guess we are having two like we had originally planned before I got lazy thoughts.
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